space. the final frontier.

Our Artists

Patric Reynolds

Patric Reynolds left his former life as a Las Vegas high school teacher with a house, a pension, and new Toyota to go live in the South to learn how to become a comic book artist. Two years later, he has worked with Patton Oswalt and Joss Whedon (Serenity: Float Out), Mike Mignola (Abe Sapien: the Haunted Boy), Marc Andreyko (Let Me In), Steve Niles (The Thing: the Northman Nightmare), David Lapham (Exile to Babylon) and Chris Roberson (Aliens: Fire and Stone) as comic book illustrator and a cover artist. He now is an artist with a sofa unit, Medicaid, and a bus pass. He couldn't be happier.

95 items found. Ordered by date. Click the image or title below to view the artwork.

Patric Reynolds (penciller)
Included with inks.
Patric Reynolds (penciller)
Included with inks.